Our Theme this week is:
-Come Into Your Body -
The Laws of Transformation we are working with are :
Seek The Truth
Be Willing To Come Apart
The 40 Days program does not work without you! You do the work and then it works.
“Don’t wish for it, work for it!”- Baron Baptiste
Please read pages 51- 61 to get familiar with the program's content
Begin this week by reading the laws on Pages 5 - 10 & Presence on page 62​
Please read page 99. Commit to a short meditation practice, TWICE a day. The focus is on the act of being present.
Here is a guided meditation lead by Baron Baptiste:
Here is a guided meditation lead by Mel:
Please read pages 93-98. Week 1 is about getting present to what you are eating. We are aiming to bring you back into
your body so that you can begin to really understand your relationship
to food and what your particular body needs. Identify your patterns
through your observations. We are not looking to overhaul your entire
diet in 1 week, make small shifts as you begin to incorporate more of
what you notice may be deficient in and less of what you notice you
are in excess of.
Please Journal on Week One Excavating Questions on page 100
The journal questions from our first meeting:
Seek The Truth:
1. What does it mean to you to Seek the Truth?
2. What is authenticity?
Be Willing To Come Apart:
1. What does it mean to be Willing to Come Apart?
2. Where in your life are you aware of not being present? What are the costs of not being present in your life / relationship / family / work? Is it costing you happiness?
3. Where in your life are you not being honest with yourself? Where do you need to tell the truth on yourself?
Please come to the next meeting having read:
Laws 3 & 4 on pages 11-18
Week 2 Vitality on pages 101-102
It is my absolute pleasure to answer any questions you may have about
anything regarding the 40 Days program, meetings, practices, resources
etc. Please reach out for extra support
if you need it.
Mel Penney
Your 40 Days Coach